Sorry I’ve haven’t posted for a while. I’ve been busy clearing out my forest land. I can barely move my left arm from yanking on the chainsaw a thousand times. I sprained most of my fingers and kept on re-injuring them. Homesteading is brutal but I love it. I can spend days here and not see a single soul. Trees are everywhere. I like the winter much better than the summer here. The heat and humidity make it impossible to work outside. Don’t get me started on the bugs and mosquitoes.
There’s a small gay community here and we have a monthly BBQ bonfire. It’s mostly middle age men (returning to their hometown to retire) and the youngins barely got out of high school. The 30’s and 40’s have moved to the big city to gay it up:)
A few guys at the bonfire recognized me and was dumbfounded that I moved to their neck of the woods. “Hey! You look like that guy from KinkMen! Sometimes I said no, I’m not that guy but they came back with, “Yes, you are. You have the same tattoo!”
See attached photos. I’m building a bondage camp. Van’s Bondage Camp – Home for Underused Boys. Stay tuned…
xoxo Van